Friday, December 11, 2009


I love ingrid michaelson so much..

lagu die alone ini lagi pas bgt dgn kehidupan saya belakangan ini.hhehe

ini sedikit lirik yg pas bgt ngegambarin hidup saya belakangan ini...

I'm just a stranger, even to myself
A re-arranger of the proverbial bookshelf
Don't be a fool girl, tell him you love him
Don't be a fool girl, you're not above him

I never thought I could love anyone but myself
Now I know I can't love anyone but you
You make me think that maybe I won't die alone
Maybe I won't die alone

liriknya yg ini jg pas..

What have I become?
Something soft and really quite dumb
'Cuz I've fallen, oh, 'cuz I've fall-fallen, oh 'cuz I've fall-fall-fallen
So far away from the place where I started from

I never thought I could love anyone
I never thought I could love anyone
I never thought I could love anyone,
But you, but you, but you, but you, but you
But you make me think that maybe I won't die alone
Maybe I won't die alone

Friday, September 25, 2009

quotes today

I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.


bosenn.liburan lebaran kelamaan dengan kegiatan yg tidak jelas sangat membosankan
padahal tugas menumpuk tetapi tidak ada inspirasi untuk mengerjakannya.
mengeluh. iy saya lagi mau mengeluh, entah sama keluarga,teman,sahabat,diri sendir atau mungkin pada tuhan.
hampir seminggu di rumah membuat saya tambah gendut, gak bergairah, dan seperti gak kenal dunia luar.
yaa ini sebenarnya saat-saat seharusnya saya istirahat, sebelum kuliah dimulai, sebelum aktifitas saya yang kadang menyebalkan itu dimulai.
nanti saat liburan kembali tiba apakah yang sebaiknya saya lakukan?
saya tidak suka keadaan rumah, yahh kadang menyenangkan tp kadang menyebalkan.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri
1430 H

Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin

semoga tahun depan masih bisa merasakan bulan ramadhan lagi. amin :)

owl city


You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep
Cuz they fill the open air
And leave teardrops everywhere
You think me rude, but I would just stand and stare

I’d like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
Cuz everything is never as it seems

Cuz I get a thousand hugs
From ten thousand lightning bugs
As they try to teach me how to dance
A foxtrot above my head
A sockhop beneath my bed
The disco ball is just hanging by a thread (thread, thread)

I’d like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
Cuz everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)

Leave my door open just a crack
(Please take me away from here)
Cuz I feel like such an insomniac
(Please take me away from here)
Why do I tire of counting sheep?
(Please take me away from here)
When I’m far to tired to fall asleep

To ten million fireflies
I’m weird cuz I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell (said farewell)
But I know where several are
If my dreams get real bizarre
Cuz I saved a few and I keep ‘em in a jar

I’d like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
Cuz everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)

I’d like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep

Cuz everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)

I’d like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
It’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams

I love owl city

I know this band from my cousin, when we were in his car he told me this band

And after that I hear owl city in some distro in Bandung.

I want buy their new album ocean eyes (fireflies also in that album)

if you want to know many more about owl city check they site

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Udah masuk minggu ke dua kuliah tapii hawa-hawa liburan masih terasa, belum lagi masih awal-awal puasa "hufff" tambah lah kemalasan merajalela.hahha
Rencananya sih mau ngulang belajar mata kuliah gitu tiap hari, rencananya sih mau bener-bener fokus kuliah tapi ada daya msh terpengaruh dgn hal-hal lain jadi aja msh blm fokus kuliahnya.

Come on udh semester 7 gini, harus bener-bener belajarnya biar dapet ipk memuaskan. Belum lagi desakan sana sini yang mengharuskan "lulus tahun depan kan", shit siapa juga yang gak mau lulus cepet. Tapi abis lulus mau ngapain? nyari kerja huhh susah kan y, lanjut S2 pengenny sih lanjut ke jurusan seni tapi mana boleh klo mau msk jurusan seni harus bayar kuliah sendiri, makanya harus kerja yang bener dulu nih.Ahh

Lanjut ke masalah kuliah, semester ini harus bener-bener nih biar semester depan bisa 24 sks, biar bisa ngejar ipk, biar bisa cepet lulus. Tapi harus bener-bener nihh, masa selama 3 tahun gak berkembang-berkembang, masih kurang banget lah gw, masih banyak yang harus gw pelajari sebelum masuk dunia kerja.Duhh
Sebelum lulus bahasa inggris gw harus udah bener, bahasa prancis jg minimal udh bisa sedikit-sedikit lagi, dan harus sempet jadi volunter d panti asuhan, gak mau lulus cuma gitu doang, gk ngelakuin apa yang di pengenin.

" Do what you wanna do" before it too late :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fashionable Men

Ooh They are stylish men.
They have personal style and different like the other men.

My favorite boy's style
I love him, His style is simple, casual, sporty, and absolutely I like him.
Do you agree he is looks like Adam Brody?

Street style

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”
-Coco Chanel-

I want wearing those styles in my daily activities, these styles not too much but still stylish. But on some picture I don't want wearing those for my daily activities because it's too much. The important outfits when you want wearing like those pictures:
- Vintage bag.
- Cool glasses.
- Belt.
- Legging or stocking (black or grey, it's up to you).
- Blazer or acid wash jeans jacket.
-Vintage dress or vintage skirt.
With those outfits your daily style (for going to collage, hanging with friend) can being stylish but still casual and comfortable.

I like those styles. Those are simple, Casual and little bit vintage, absolutely those styles comfortable for daily activities;like going to college, hang out with friends.

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.”
-Coco Chanel-

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Teroris oh teroris

Euphoria Nurdin M Top, yaa sekarang ini bangsa indonesia terbawa ke dlm euphoria nurdin m top *dalam arti yang negatif. Terorisme yang terjadi di indonesia dimulai pada saat Bom di Kedubes Filipina, Jakarta 2000. 1 Agustus 2000, bom meledak dari sebuah mobil yang diparkir di depan rumah Duta Besar Filipina, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat. 2 orang tewas dan 21 orang lainnya luka-luka, termasuk Duta Besar Filipina Leonides T Caday.

Dan sampai sekarang tahun 2009 masih saja terjadi pemboman itu,hufff udah ratusan atu bahkan ribuan orang yang di rugikan baik fisik, nyawa dan materil karena pemboman yang selama ini terjadi. Apa untungnya aksi pengeboman yang ada selama ini? gak ada kan, yang ada juga kerugian, heeii "Mati jihad" dengan ngebom orang-orang gak berdosa apa itu benar? coba deh pikirin baik-baik!

DENSUS 88 (Detasemen Khusus 88) Anti Teror selama ini yaah udah bagus sih kerjanya tapii seharusnya kt sebagai bagian dari negara republik indonesia ikut membantu memberantas teroris. Peran serta masyarakat sangat dibutuhkan agar teroris bisa segera di tumpas sampai ke akar-akarnya.

Gak usah deh kita heboh, ketakutan, ngedumel gara-gara satu orang si "Nurdin M Top" ini karena di balik dia pasti masih banyak orang-orang yang harus kita tumpas untuk memberantas terorisme di negara kita tercinta Si Nurdin juga dibantu orang-orang yang dengan senang hati mau " mati sahid" dengan menjadi pengantin bom yeah para pengantin bom ini gak mikirin bagaimana nanti nasib keluarganya, teman-temannya, dan orang lain dengan apa yang mereka lakukan itu. Wooii pikir baik-baik dong Allah SWT juga gak meridhoi membunuh orang-orang dengan cara yang para teroris ini lakuin, pernyataan "mati sahid" ini harus di lihat dan di pertimbangkan dari berbagai sisi, apa iya membunuh orang-orang yang gak berdosa ini benar? Walau bedosa juga kan bukan hak kalian membunuh orang lain, hidup matinya seseorang bukan kita sebagai manusia yang nentuin, gak berhak kalian semena-mena melakukan pengeboman-pengeboman itu untuk kepentingan sendiri dan berpikir yeah itu kan "mati sahid".

Bagaimanapun bobroknya negara indonesia kita sebagai bangsa indonesia seharusnya bahu-membahu membangun negara kita tercinta ini. Inget baik-baik perjuangan para pahlawan kita yang mengorbankan jiwa dan raganya agar kita dapat merdeka pada tanggal 17 agustus 1945. Kita belajar sejarah indonesia dari SD sampai SMA, kalau di Perguruan tinggi gak ada sih pelajaran sejarah kecuali di jurusan-jurusan tertentu. Selama 12 tahun loh kita belajar sejarah (SD-SMA) seenggaknya tau kan gimana perjuangan para pahlawan itu, masa kita yang tinggal berjuang untuk membuat Indonesia jadi lebih baik malah kayak gini, para pahlawan itu mungkin menangis jika tahu apa yang terjadi pada Indonesia. Haahh Ayo kita bangkit dong, Indonesia United!! Ayo dong gak cape apa kayak gini terus, dimulai dari hal kecil aja seperti melaporkan jika ada hal mencurigakan yang mungkin itu perbuatan teroris, jangan gosipnya "oh emang si ini tuh suka aneh, masa di rumah dia suka ada orang-orang yang mencurigakan dateng, dan bla bla bla", gosip ato pernyataan yang baru muncul ketika udah terjadi sesuatu, telat dong kalo heboh ngomongin yang udah terjadi "kenapa gak dari awal aja".

I Love Indonesia, tanah airku, tumpah darahku, Ayoo bareng-bareng kita bangkit dan melakukan perubahan untuk negara ini :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Vintage Rings

Victorian 10k rose gold ring with turquoise, pearls, and center blue zircon. This C1890 antique ring is in excellent condition and with lots of detail on the shoulders. The band of the ring measures 4mm wide. Unmarked, it has been carefully tested to guarantee 14K quality and content. In excellent condition, with a hand engraved inscription on the inside of the band that says "MM to AE".

What a perfect ring to compliment your carved butterscotch or black bracelets! This one is deeply carved with a floral leaf pattern that extends and covers the entire top of the finger. The front to back measurement is ¾” so it really makes a statement.The ring is a size 4 1/2 and domes ½” high. Perfect for a small hand or as a pinky ring. It is in excellent vintage condition with no cracks and guaranteed to be vintage Bakelite.

Kirsten Dunst Walks On By In Boy

She is adorable girl, Her style casual, vintage and little bit edgy.Her hair she looks fresh and cute,it's simple cutting but so nice.

Monday, August 10, 2009


His name is Kim Beom, born July 7, 1989 with the name of Sang-beom Kim.
I know him from "boys over flower" series in KBS world.
Damn,he is so cute,ooh I love you Kim Beom...smooch

In his interview with ISplus (reporter Lee Dong Hyun) published on March 16, Kim Beom reveals that work is more important than dating for now And he doesn't has girlfriend..yippe

ISplus (IS): You seem like you would be a playboy like Boys Over Flowers‘ So Yi Jeong.

Kim Beom (KB): Thank you for the compliment, but we’re actually quite different. Due to my extreme shyness, I can’t get along with people that easily, let alone have the skill to seduce women. Although, I do have some characteristics similar to So Yi Jeong such as being cool-headed, not showing my inner feelings easily, etc. Come to think of it, when I was young, many girls my age used to follow me around a lot. (Laughs.)

IS: Have you ever had a girlfriend?
KB: Up til now, I have never had a girlfriend. I’ve always been very preoccupied with something, so it seems that my mind hasn’t been free to have a girlfriend. I don’t think I’ll that freedom for some time to come.

IS: Are you sure you aren’t like So Yi Jeong who is a playboy, but has blocked off his heart from women with an emotional wall?
KB: Come to think of it, that could be true too. However, Yi Jung developed that attitude due to his playboy father. I am like this because I am devoted to work, which thus far has more value and importance than a girlfriend. Still, I have a lot of female friends such as Boys Over Flowers‘ (Ga Eul) Kim So Eun, Park Shin Hye, and Go Ara, etc. that I get along well with. (KP’s note: All three actresses are his classmates in Chung-Ang University’s Theatre & Film program.)

IS: If you get a girlfriend, what kind of present would you most want?
KB: I’d like to receive a meal (lunch box) made directly by her. With a busy filming schedule, I skip meals often. At such times, if I could eat a homemade meal by my girlfriend, I think it would spring forth energy (strength) that wasn’t there.

IS: Who is number 1 on your cellular phone speed dial?
KB: The agency representative and hyung that I trust and depend on the most. There are many things to discuss (consult) with him, so I put him as speed dial number 1 in order to speak on the phone with him often. Even if I do get a girlfriend, I don’t think I will change my speed dial number 1.

IS: What will you do if your parents oppose your marriage like Boys Over Flowers’ Gu Jun Pyo?

KB: If I love [that person] to the point of wanting to get married but can’t due to the opposition of those around me, I would regret it forever. I would [try to] persuade them again and again until they give me permission. I have lived with such integrity that my parents have remarkable faith in me. They will accept my wish.

IS: What is your life motto?
KB: “You may lose once, but don’t lose again.” As you live life, you can encounter failures and you can make mistakes. I don’t want to suffer the same setback by making the same mistake again. [The motto means that] although a person cannot be perfect, one should try his or her best in order to get closer to perfection.

IS: When was the greatest crisis [you've faced] in life so far?
KB: I don’t consider a crisis you cannot overcome as a crisis. Although I’ve had trivial cases that were difficult, I’ve overcome them. I don’t think that I’ve experienced any extraordinary crisis.

IS: If you became a chaebol (plutocrat) like in Boys Over Flowers, what would you most want to do?
KB: I don’t want to become a chaebol. I want to always have dreams and put in intense effort in order to achieve those dreams. I think if I become a chaebol, I might become indolent (lazy) and lose sight of my dreams.

IS: Which websites do you have bookmarked?
KB: Portal sites such as Daum and Naver. I can come by a variety of information such as news in a short amounth of time.

IS: Do you read internet comments [regarding yourself] and take them seriously? Is there a negative comment that remains on your mind?
KB: There was a time at the beginning of my debut when I agonized over negative comments that I don’t even want to recall now. After that, I made up my mind not to pay attention to negative internet comments. I usually don’t read those kinds of comments, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot.

IS: Have you ever left a comment (reply) on the Internet?
KB: There hasn’t a single time when I have added a reply

IS: What are some objects that you always carry around in your bag?

KB: My cellphone and wallet. I only put things that I absolutely need in my bag.

IS: How do you manage your income and how much allowance do you [get and] spend?
KB: I manage my own income so there’s no separate allowance. Truthfully, lately I haven’t even had time to spend money.

IS: Do you have any superstitions or customs?
KB: I can’t sleep before the first day of filming. I go to set after staying up all night. But I act better because my mind has become clearer. From a certain point in time, I decided not to sleep. However, there is the disadvantage of my physical condition being worse.

IS: What method do you use to relieve extreme stress?
KB: I meet up with cheerful people. Although I’m on the quiet side, I find that stress is relieved as I laugh when absorbed in pleasant conversations with pleasant people.

IS: Do you have any sleeping habits?
KB: I wouldn’t k now my own sleeping habits. People
who have slept with me on vacation haven’t said anything in particular about it.

IS: Which athlete do you like the most?

KB: Manchester United’s Cristiano Ronaldo. He plays the kind of soccer that I dreamt about when I was a soccer player in middle school.

IS: Which three objects would you take with you if you had to be stuck on a deserted island?
KB: A [handheld] video game console, a DVD player, and also a cellphone. If I watched movies on the DVD player and play video games in between, I think it would be enjoyable even on a deserted island. I would need the cellular phone to request aid (a rescue) when I get bored. Does a cellphone work on a deserted island, you ask? I saw a commercial awhile ago where jjajangmyun (black bean noodles) was even ordered for delivery using a cellphone.

IS: If you were given a perfectly [schedule-]free day, what would you want to do?
KB: No matter how leisurely the one day is
, wouldn’t the next day be busy? In order to prepare [for the following day], it probably won’t be completely free. I would want to just go somewhere nearby and get some fresh air and cool my head (mind) for a bit.

Vintage Jewelry

Ooh I love these jewelry,can I find like these?

Do what you wanna do

heiii Haa
it's my first posting
My name is Dian Risellyna Putri, I'm college student in university parahyangan Bandung
Why I use " do what you wanna do" as my blog title because You must do what you wanna do,life is short, we must enjoy our life although it's hard
So do what you wanna do
And say what you wanna say
So, come on and be my light
Come on and lead the way
And people speak I hear them saying
You won’t last another day
